François Tharin

Contact and appointment: 079.705.29.55

Make an appointment with your physiotherapist in Nyon

François Tharin Physio Barillette

Master of Health Care (SAMK) 2020-2023
Physiotherapist (HES-SO) 2004-2008
Manual Therapy, Diploma of Advanced Studies (HES-SO) 2008-2010
Headache and cervical dysfunctions (Dean Watson - Watson Headache Clinic) 2011
Manual lymph drainage and compression bandaging (Didier Thompson - HES-SO) 2012
Trunk stabilization for training and therapy (Roman Jahoda - Complex Core) 2013
Running specialist (Blaise Dubois - La Clinique du Coureur) since 2013
Low back pain (Khelaf Kerkour - Physiovaud) 2014
Upper limb disorders (Pierre Fisette - Physiovaud) 2014
Volodalen Running Center (Cyrille Gindre - Volodalen) 2014-2018
Réseau Romand de Médecine de l'Exercice et du Sport(RRMES)
Strength training: from theory to field practice (Kenny Guex - Physiovaud) 2017
Dry needeling (Daniel Bösch - DGSA) 2018
Manual therapy (Concept Maitland - IMTA level III) 2015-2019
Teaching and learning with simulation (UNIGE) 2023


Running: rehabilitation after an injury, resuming training, biomechanical analysis of the stride, performance monitoring


Prize for best presentation in the "Hautes Ecoles" category at the "Sciences du mouvement et du sport" symposium organized by the University of Lausanne's Interfaculty Department of Sport and Health and the Association Romande en Sciences du Sport (2008)
Clinique de la Colline award (2008)
Distinction from GHOL (Hôpital de Nyon) (2005)

Sports Physiotherapy

Member of the Réseau Romand de Médecine de l'Exercice et du Sport
Member of the Swiss Sports Physiotherapy Association
Volodalen Running Center
Numerous athletes at the practice (running, basketball, rugby, ice hockey, soccer, athletics, swimming, volleyball, GRS, horse riding, figure skating, golf, climbing, etc.).
Totem Escalade Gland
Cercle des Nageurs de Nyon
UHC Begnins
Nyon Basket Féminin, LNB then LNA (2007-2009)
European University Basketball Championships in Geneva (2007)
FC Versoix, 2nd Inter League (2006-2007)
Team Physio Manager (2007)
Team Physio in Geneva (2004-2008)
Supervision of SkyPhysio students

Work experience

Cabinet des Voisins, Geneva (2008-2009)
La Lignière Clinic, Gland (2009-2011)
Independent practice, Nyon (2011-2014)
Physio Barillette (2014-...)
Haute Ecole de Santé, Geneva (2019-2021): temporary employee
Haute Ecole de Santé, Geneva (2021-...): lecturer


Running (marathon, trail)
J+S unihockey instructor